Annual dues for 2014 are: $80. Please pay by February 23, 2014.
For more information on how your dues are used, please click on: Why do we have a Residents Association?
You may pay by a check made out to:
Please mail to:
Cyndy Powell, Treasurer
3792 Jamaica Court
Lexington, KY 40509
Alternatively, you may click the “Buy Now” button to pay with PayPal. PayPal is a service which provides secure processing of payments. PayPal accepts credit card, debit cards and electronic draft from your checking account. You do not need a PayPal Account. A PayPal fee of $2.70 is added to the payment, for a total transaction amount of $82.70. When you click the “Buy Now” button, you will leave the Greebbrier website and go to the PayPal website. When you finish you will be returned to the Greenbrier Website.