2015 Holiday Decorations

What a tough job it was for the elves to judge the holiday lights this year.They were dazzled by twinkling whites, combinations of blue, green and reds, reindeer on chimneys, snowmen and santas – all in all a dizzying array of festiveness!
But the time came when choices – however hard – had to be made. Judged Best Overall Décor is the home of Billy and Dena Crowe at 2082 Bahama; Best Entry is the home of John and Kathy Plomin, 3508 Trinidad Ct.; Most Whimsical with the flying reindeer (that fell off the chimney in the wind storm) is the home of Gene and Cindy Hamm, 3512 Trinidad.
The elves were particularly happy to see last year’s winners – The Vettranos at 3637 Antilles Dr. and The Pritchetts at 3557 Antilles Dr. – lit up again this year.  And they appreciated the effort Ms. Grigsby put in at 3501 Trinidad Ct. Unfortunately, the night of the judging, an electrical issue kept the property dark.
Finally, the elves wish to give a shout out for the efforts of a newcomer to the competition, the Hiltons  at 2089 Bahama Road.
Christmas kudos to all our residents who turned the neighborhood into a merry and bright  winter wonderland –  next year will be another chance to shine!