Developers Dream Bill Introduced in Kentucky State House

Click to download: Developers’ Dream Bill
This isn’t the first time a “developer’s dream bill” has come up in State Legislature – 2 years ago it was squashed as an unconstitutional barrier to equal access to the courts.
Although our LFUCG Council has no say in what goes on at State level, representatives from the Fayette County Neighborhood Council (FCNC) sought LFUCG Council’s support in opposing this terrible bill.
Rightly, a majority of CMs realized the bill would place one more hurdle in front of neighborhood associations and individuals seeking access to the Court of Appeals for review of zoning decisions. Though two CMs expressed surprise that HB 72 seemed to come out of “left field”,  our 12th District CM Kathy Plomin supported CM Jennifer Mossotti’s motion to direct the LFUCG lobbyist, Judy Taylor, to convey Council’s decision to State Legislators. VIce-Mayor Steve Kay, CM Richard Moloney, and others spoke eloquently in support of this decision as well. Thanks to all CMs looking out for their ‘hoods!
To voice your opposition, contact Representative Robert Benvenuti at(859) 226-0312