O Romeo…

Thanks for looking.
Romeo has not been home since July 25.  He is a domestic shorthair, a Buff color that almost looks creamy. He has his collar and is chipped. He’s had all his shots. He likes the golf course. If you see him please call Susi Hopkins 859-533-9277, anytime.
Thank you!

Open House at the Greenbrier Country Club June 7

An invitation from the Greenbrier Country Club:

Open House

Thursday June 7, 5-7 P.M.

Please join us in the Family Dining Room to tour our newly-remodeled Clubhouse and to learn more about membership opportunities like the Clubhouse membership that allows you to dine and attend Clubhouse events at very little cost each month.
Appetizers will be served and the bar will be open for purchases.
RSVP to 859-293-1508 or adoyle@greenbriergcc.com
GGCC Open House Invitation

Reminder: Dues are Due

One of the ways a subdivision becomes a desirable neighborhood is by connecting neighbors into a cohesive community.
Greenbrier’s Residents Board offers opportunities for neighbors to connect thru activities such as providing the Ladies Tea, the Spring and Fall Garage sales, publishing the neighborhood directory, supporting Holiday decorations and the like. Further, your GRI Board keeps neighbors apprised of local goings-on through both voice mail messaging, periodic newsletters, our excellent website, and e-mails to those residents who provide their updated info. Board members coordinate entry plantings, and endeavor to make Greenbrier a safer place through improved lighting and security cameras.
You, our Greenbrier neighbors, make this happen when you pay your $100 dues, which are due now! Please mail your check , payable to Greenbrier Residents, Inc. , and mail it promptly to John Schmidt, Treasurer, 3556 Antilles. You may drop your check off at his house, or use Paypal on our website. Thank you!
To use PayPal, please visit our Dues webpage for more information.
Thanks for your financial support!

Happy Holidays to our Greenbrier Neighbors!

2018 promises to be a New Year full of opportunity for us all! Two
important issues will be addressed in the coming weeks: *Annual Dues* and
the *Petition to expand the ND-1 Overlay to Greenbrier’s larger lot
Building on the increased – and voluntary – participation of dues- paying
residents the past two years, your GRI Board has been able to upgrade the
lighting at the front entryway as well as improve on other items that
benefit the entire neighborhood.
This year, depending on the response to our Annual Dues appeal, we want to
tackle the following items:
1) update the cameras/security system at both front and rear entries
2) update the irrigation system at both entries, and
3) obtain a neighborhood Action Grant from the city to further improve the
front entryway.
Few neighborhoods in Fayette County have Neighborhood associations like
ours. The 9 neighbors on your GRI Board who *volunteer* their time, energy
and expertise on behalf of the neighborhood appreciate your continued
support and interest!
Dues stay the same at $100 and can be mailed to our Treasurer, John
Schmidt, 3556 Antilles; should you prefer notices by e-mail, make sure John
has your updated address which can be sent to: jschmeidt1219@gmail.com.
If you wish to use the PayPal service,  please visit our Dues Page.
Please remit by January20,2018.
Thank you!

Greenbrier Is Popular with Thieves

Greenbrier has been targeted recently by thieves who deliberately spray painted the rear entry security cameras around 2am last Tuesday morning, then returned to steal a 6 x 12 trailer which had been securely fastened with two locks out of the homeowners’ driveway in broad daylight.  A quick check of the “Nextdoor App” shows this type of trailer is popular with thieves who will go to any lengths to steal these – and other – items. Homeowners are urged to secure their belongings as much as possible, to keep their garage doors closed, and to stay on the watch for any suspicious activity here in our neighborhood while the GRI board works with the police and security company to try and make our community less vulnerable to these thefts.


As mandated by Greenbrier’s Bylaws, the GRI Board must hold two biannual meetings, one in April, and one in October.  We are pleased to announce the date of the Spring Meeting will be Monday, April 17th, at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road.  All GB residents are invited to a social get-together before the meeting to enjoy drinks and snacks at 6.30pm.  At 7pm, we will begin our program with an agenda of interest to all our neighbors.

Ofc. Dawn Dunn, a  GB resident, will speak to the increasing problem of speeding in our neighborhood, as well as measures to strengthen security for us all.  Kathy Plomin, a long-time neighbor recently appointed as 12th District Council Member, will address these issues as well.

Also on the agenda will be the Treasurer’s Report as well as info on the new Directory, May Garage Sale and other updates. A specific item to be brought to the attention of our members will be a proposed amendment to  Article III. MEETINGS: NOTICE OF MEETINGS.

Amend paragraph that reads: Notice of any meeting…shall be served personally or by mail to all members…..Notice shall be mailed ….

To read as follows:  All members shall be notified of any meeting not less than ten (10)  days in advance of the date of the meeting. Notice shall include date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

Purpose: to use other means than postage to notify members of upcoming meetings, to include but not to be limited by, -e-mails, signage, newsletters, and/or voice mail messages.

You are encouraged to bring any items of concern or questions you may have to this informative – and fun – neighborhood meeting!

Thanks for Paying Your Dues!

DUES ARE DUE – and over half of our residents have already responded!  Your contribution to the Greenbrier Residents, Inc.. can be seen in tangible ways already: new  and improved lighting on the side entry walls, plans for new lighting down the center island, a new directory to be published this spring, continuing efforts to improve and enhance the landscaping at the front – and rear – entry to our neighborhood.
Your GRI Board members are volunteers who contribute their time, talents, and energy on behalf of ALL our residents, and we can’t do it without YOUR support!
Send your $100 NOW to our Treasurer, John Schmidt, or use our convenient PayPal option.  Follow this link for details:  https://www.gb-ra.com/dues/
Thank you!