Voice Your Opinion on Snow Removal

Snow TruckMany Greenbrier residents have expressed a concern with the state of our neighborhood streets this winter.  GRA President Marianna Marye has contacted the office of our district Council Member, Ed Lane regarding the situation. Currently Bahama is the only street in Greenbrier that is on the “Priority” plowing list. Many cul-de-sacs can not be plowed by the county trucks because of the large turning radius and potential liability issues. Continue reading

Why do we have a Residents Association?

The GRA acts to represent the interests of Greenbrier Residents in dealing with local government entities, public utilities, nearby land owners and property developers.  A recent list of such entities and organizations includes:

  • Lexington Fayette Urban County Council
  • LFUCG Planning Commission
  • LFUCG Traffic Engineering
  • Kentucky Highway Department, District 7
  • Kentucky Utilities

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Missing Cat?

Found Cat
This is an important question for all our GB neighbors: Has anyone lost a cat? That’s right! A nice-looking calico was found on the road in the 1800 block of Bahama Road on Saturday evening, January 4.  If this is your cat, please call 299-7041 to claim it as soon as possible. Thank you!

Congratulations to our Holiday Decorating Winners

WinnerThe winners of the 2013 GRA Holiday Decorating Contest are:

  • Best Overall:  3201 Tobago – Pell Wardrop and Mike Wirth.
  • Best Doorway Decor:  3508 Trinidad – Cathy and John Plomin.
  • Judges Choice:  1725 Bahama – Mary Jane and Russel Reed.
  • Honorable Mention:  2251 Bahama – Stephanie Johnson.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who decorated this year.
Happy Holidays to all our neighbors from the GRA board members and volunteers.

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Lights
The GRA Board Members and Volunteers would like to extend our holiday greeting to you and your family.
The Annual Greenbrier Holiday Contest is underway. Prizes will be awarded to GRA members in the following categories:

  • Best Overall Decor
  • Best Doorway Decor
  • Judges Choice

The contest will be judged Sunday evening, December 22.