The Keep Lexington Beautiful Commission (KLB) wants to encourage neighborhoods and other organizations to adopt nearby parks, roads or greenways for cleanups, as well as any streams that are in their areas. The KLB can provide cleanup supplies such as bags and gloves free of charge. Should anyone be interested in this civic duty (!) please make plans to attend the 2015 planning meeting on Wednesday, February 25, at 6.30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Phoenix Building 101 E. Vine Street. You may e-mail Louise Caldwell-Edmonds at:, or call her at 425-2804 for further details. Thanks!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Reminder: 2015 GRA Membership Dues and Directory Update
It’s that time again. Annual dues for 2015 are: $100. Please pay by February 15.
You may pay by a check made out to:
Please mail to:
Cyndy Powell, Treasurer
3792 Jamaica Court
Lexington, KY 40509
A form was included in the recent Greenbrier Links Newsletter, or you may click below to downolad a form:
Membership Dues Form 2015
When you send your dues in, please also update or confirm your directory information. Use the form from the Newsletter or click below:
Directory Update Form 2015
To remind you of the benefits of membership, please visit:
Why do we have a Residents Association?
FCNC Meeting October 13
Fayette County Neighborhood Council, (FCNC) will have its fall meeting on Monday, October 13th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Tates Creek Christian Church , 3150 Tates Creek Road.
The topic for discussion will be: COME SEE WHAT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CAN GET FOR FREE.
All are welcome to attend.
For more information, visit:
Fall 2014 Garage Sale
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! It’s time to clean out those garages, closets and basements! There will be a neighborhood garage sale on Saturday, Sept. 20th, from 8 2 P.M. Your contact person for this sale is Jill Leckie at 294-9189. She would like to know what street you live on (for posting signs) and if you plan on participating on Saturday only or Friday and Saturday. GRA will pay for the ad in the Herald- Leader. We ask that you place balloons or good signage by your driveway so Shoppers can clearly see your sale. As always, please remember to watch your children and pets that day, as traffic is heavy in the neighborhood!
Fayette County Public Schools To Redraw Boundries
As Fayette County Public Schools faces the difficult task of redrawing school attendance boundaries in advance of opening three new schools, district leaders need to start the work by listening. This is the first time in more than a decade that FCPS has considered such widespread changes to the attendance zones.
A volunteer committee of parents, employees and community members has met three times to begin looking at relevant data. Before they dig into the work of considering maps, FCPS will hold listening sessions to gather input from the community. The next session is scheduled for:
6 to 8 p.m. Thursday July 10 at Lafayette High School, 401 Reed Lane4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 24 at FCPS Warehouse Facility, 1126 Russel Cave Road.
Future meetings are scheduled for November 20 and December 8. Continue reading
Pet Found & Returned
Update: The cat is back home. Continue reading
LFUCG Council Member Newsletters Are Available
At least two council members are publishing newsletters, which you may find to be of interest. Our local member, Ed Lane (12th), does not publish a newsletter at this time.
Jennifer Mossotti – 9th District – Click to visit webpage.
Bill Farmer – 5th District – Email to subscribe.
Get your GROW on
Area gardening events of interest include:
May 04 | Peony Sale and Garden Tour | |
May 10 | Spring Plant Exchange | |
May 11 | Plant Sale | |
May 17 | Monarch Butterfly Gardens | |
May 22 | Spring Herb Gardening | |
Greenbrier Photo Contest
We need photos for our 2014 GRA Neighborhood Directory. The judge’s favorite will be featured on the cover. Send your best shots to: