Wildlife in Greenbrier

Residents of Greenbrier have recently spotted a diverse mix of wildlife in our neighborhood.  Species include:

If you are not aware, Peregrine Falcons were reintroduced to Kentucky in the late 1990s.  Nesting boxes have been installed high in chimneys of power plants and industrial facilities.  More than 200 chicks have been hatched so far.  I once caught a glimpse of a Peregrine Falcon in level flight.  The speed was simply unbelievable.  While I am not certain of the identity of the bird, the speed leads to a single conclusion.
Thanks to Sid Hamm for the outstanding photo of the woodpecker.  It has been several decades since I observed one of these feathered princes.  I eagerly hope for a sighting of my own.
If you have a wildlife sighting you wish to share with your neighbors, please email your Webmaster.

Fall 2014 Neighborhood Meeting

Our Fall meeting will be held on Monday, October 20 at the home of Carl and Sarah Lee, 1805 Bahama.  The featured speaker will be Officer Bige Towery, who will talk about Neighborhood Watch programs, home security, and crime trends in Lexington

Bige Towery

Towery is currently assigned to The LFUCG Bureau of Community Services as a Crime Prevention Specialist.
Towery attended Transylvania University and Eastern Kentucky University, receiving a bachelor of science degree in police administration from EKU’s college of law enforcement.  He has completed the national crime prevention institute advanced level and crime prevention through environmental design at the University of Louisville.  He also is a certified police instructor in the state of Kentucky as well as a school resource officer.
Also on the agenda will be election of new GRA officers. Refreshments will be served! All are invited to this informative meeting!
Hope to see you there!
[mqMap key=”ZlF1″ width=”450″ height=”310″ src=”http://www.mapquest.com/embed?icid=mqdist_mb_wp&c=ZlF1&maptype=map&zm=15&cr=38.02507,-84.376862&projection=sm&showScale=false”]Spring 2013 GRA Neighborhood Meeting[/mqMap]

Wildlife Concern

heronA sick baby raccoon has been removed from Greenbrier by Lexington Fayette Animal Care and Control.  The raccoon tested positive for distemper.  This is a concern because distemper is highly contagious to pets.
According to LFACC, as a homeowner, you are responsible for the removal of any uninjured nuisance wildlife in your home or on your property.  LFACC can offer assistance with sick or injured wildlife or with wildlife animals that pose a threat to the community.
Wildlife tips:

  • Remind children of the dangers of approaching wild life.
  • Secure pet doors at night.
  • Never feed wildlife.
  • When feeding an outdoor pet, always remove any leftover food.

For more information you may phone LFACC at (859) 253-9033 or visit the website:  http://www.lfacc.org/

2013 Dues Reminder

Greetings Neighbor,
Our thanks if you have paid your dues.  If not we wish to gently remind you to do so.
What your dues pay for:

  • Front and rear entrance maintenance, lighting, plantings and security cameras.  Have you noticed the upgraded security cameras?
  • Greenbrier website.
  • Voicemail communication  system.
  • Postage and mailings.
  • Neighborhood directory.
  • Christmas Decorating Contest prizes.

More than 80% of our residents are members—if you are not a member please join us!
Annual dues are $80.
Make your check payable to:
Greenbrier Residents Association
Mail to:
Cyndy Powell, Treasurer
3792 Jamaica Court
Lexington, KY  40509
Please print and fill out the attachment to this post and include with your check.
Thank you,
Susan Enlow
President, GRA
Attachment: 2013 GRA Dues Notice

Greenbrier Neighborhood Christmas Decoration Contest

Every Christmas season since 2004 a holiday light and decorating contest has been held in Greenbrier. The competition has three categories:
1. Best Overall Decoration.
2. Best use of theme in decorating.
3. Best Decorated Entry/Porch.
Judging will be completed by Monday, December 22. Winners will be announced on the neighborhood voicemail and noted on the Greenbrier website. Gift certificates to local restaurants will be awarded.
Winners are not eligible for prizes for the next 2 years.
GRA Board Members are not eligible to compete.