Greenbrier Spring Meeting Monday, April 18

The Greenbrier Spring Business Meeting will be held Monday, April 18th at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee.  The Lee residence is 1805 Bahama Road.  Our meeting will begin at 7pm.

Bruce Ferguson will give a presentation on Radon Gas monitoring and abatement. For more information about Bruce, click here.

Beth Overman, Director of the PDR program for Fayette County, will also speak.  For more information about Beth, click here.

Also on the agenda, will be introduction of GRI Board members, explanation of our Budget, and other neighborhood news. Please make every effort to attend this informative and fun time!

Come early for wine and cheese at 6:30 PM.

Hope to see you there!

Goblin Alert: Friday October 30

Goulish Greetings Greenbrier Residents,
Halloween is upon us and the annual Greenbrier trick or treating is near. So find your ghost and goblins, put on your Frankenstein face, and enjoy this year’s trick or treating on Friday, October 30th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Please beware that the Antilles loop will be heavily congested with small children going house to house collecting candy. So let’s all stay off the streets wherever possible with our automobiles or, at a minimum, let’s slow down and have smart, safe, alert driving.
Again, trick or treating will be Friday October 30th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Happy Independence Day

2012July4_15_cropThe 2014 Greenbrier Independence Day parade will begin at 4:00 PM on July 4 in Antigua Court.  Participants should assemble at 3:30 PM.  The parade route will travel to Marquesas, then Bahama and finish in the Country Club parking lot.  The parade will take place rain or shine.
There will be Sno-cones and inflatables in the Club parking lot.
Please: no fireworks on the golf course.
Enjoy these photos from the 2012 Parade:  Click for Link.
Do you have pictures to share?  Mail them to

Run With The Knights Set For June 16

runner_silouettePlease note that the footrace on Bahama will impact traffic in Greenbrier this Monday evening, from shortly before 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM or so.
Join us on Monday, June 16, 2014 for the inaugural Run With The Knight 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run-Walk.  These events will benefit Lexington Catholic’s tuition assistance endowment, the LC Service Club’s many iniatives that support children in our community, as well as Greenhouse 17.

This early evening summer run will loop runners through the Greenbrier neighborhood starting and finishing at the Clubhouse lot.  The 5K (3.1 mile) race gets underway at 7:00 PM with overall and age group awards; music, post race food and more.  The non-timed 1 mile Fun Run-Walk starts at 7:10 PM.
Volunteers are needed to help with hydration stations, course marshals, packet pickup, onsite registration, food and awards

For more information, visit Run With The Knight 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run-Walk.

GRA Spring Meeting


Greenbrier’s Spring Business Meeting will be held this coming Monday, April 13th at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road at 7pm. All are welcome to attend!

Catch up on neighbourhood news, events and issues of concern to our residents.

We will have several special guests.  First, we will be joined by Elizabeth Pickett, Director of Public Affairs and Rodrick Robinson, Chief Deputy, Field Operations Division of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department.  Elizabeth and Rodrick will discuss neighbourhood safety initiatives.  Next Louise Caldwell-Edmunds form the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government will join us.  Louise will discuss the range of services provided to the various tax districts in Fayette county.

Sample snacks! Enjoy seeing  your neighbours and greeting new ones! It’s been a long winter – welcome spring at the Greenbrier Business Meeting, Monday, April 13th at 7pm, 1805 Bahama Road.

Elizabeth Pickett

Elizabeth Pickett

Rodrick Robinson

Rodrick Robinson

Fall 2014 Neighborhood Meeting

Our Fall meeting will be held on Monday, October 20 at the home of Carl and Sarah Lee, 1805 Bahama.  The featured speaker will be Officer Bige Towery, who will talk about Neighborhood Watch programs, home security, and crime trends in Lexington

Bige Towery

Towery is currently assigned to The LFUCG Bureau of Community Services as a Crime Prevention Specialist.
Towery attended Transylvania University and Eastern Kentucky University, receiving a bachelor of science degree in police administration from EKU’s college of law enforcement.  He has completed the national crime prevention institute advanced level and crime prevention through environmental design at the University of Louisville.  He also is a certified police instructor in the state of Kentucky as well as a school resource officer.
Also on the agenda will be election of new GRA officers. Refreshments will be served! All are invited to this informative meeting!
Hope to see you there!
[mqMap key=”ZlF1″ width=”450″ height=”310″ src=”,-84.376862&projection=sm&showScale=false”]Spring 2013 GRA Neighborhood Meeting[/mqMap]