Spring 2019 Events

This spring, the GRI Board is hosting several exciting events.  These activities benefit all Greenbrier residents, and everyone has a responsibility to contribute to these shared costs through paying their voluntary dues of $100 per year – a mere $8 per month.  If you have not yet paid your dues,or want to know more of what activities your dues help provide, please contact Treasurer John Schmidt, at 3556 Antilles Drive (299-5656) or visit our Dues web page to pay by PayPal, credit card or e-check.

On March 27th, you have an opportunity to sit in “On the Table” and speak about what’s on your mind! Co-hosted by neighbor and Councilmember Kathy Plomin, this civic initiative will be held at 2pm in the Greenbrier Country Club.  RSVP to adoyle@greenbriergcc.com if you wish to attend. This event, now in its 3rd year, offers citizens of Fayette County a chance to discuss what concerns them most about life in the Bluegrass. Past topics included equity, social inclusion and race relations.  Bring your ideas to “On the Table” this month! Log on to https://www.bgcf.org/onthetable for more details.   

Monday evening, April 8th, will be the GRI Spring Business meeting held at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road. Snacks and drinks are served at 6.30pm ; the meeting will begin at 7pm.  Speakers will include representatives from Metronet; a detailed budget report and news of neighborhood interest. We will also gauge interest in offering another “Coffee with a Cop” in the neighborhood at the meeting.

The GRI- sponsored Spring Garage sale will take place April 26 & 27, though homeowners can choose to open only on Saturday the 27th if they prefer.  This is your golden opportunity to clean out those closets and clear out the garages.  Your unwanted, outgrown, and unloved items may be someone else’s coveted treasures.   As always, further details will be provided closer to the upcoming event!

We encourage you to attend our meetings and welcome any suggestions as to how the GRI may better serve its members! If you are unable to attend, feel free to use our Contact web page for any questions of concerns.


Ladies Tea 2018

Hey GB Ladies!

Our annual Ladies Tea will be held this Sunday, February 24th from 2-4 pm at the home of Lynn Gaunce, 2227 Bahama Road. ALL Greenbrier ladies who have paid their annual dues should have already received their invites, and have RSVP’d to Lynn at 421-9420. If you are a paid member and have NOT received your invitation to the Tea, please call Lynn today. See you there!


Emma Tibbs

Emma Tibbs passed away on New Year’s Day, 2019. Emma, along with husband Sonny, was one of the neighborhood’s original homeowners, having lived on Tabago Court for decades. An organizer of the first Greenbrier Residents, Inc. Board, her passion to preserve and protect this neighborhood will be greatly missed.

Visitation will be held at 11:00 a.m. Monday, January 7, with a funeral mass to follow at noon.

Cathedral of Christ the King , 299 Colony Boulevard, Lexington, KY 40502

Link: Cathedral of Christ the King

Herald Leader Link: Emma Tibbs made the world a better place

Herald Leader Link: Mayor Jim Gray called her the ‘Oracle of Lexington.’

Update – Herald Leader Link: Emma Tibbs Obituary

Holiday Lights

Seasons Greetings Greenbriarians,

Santa was pleased by the overall Holiday Spirit that the Greenbrier neighborhood conveyed this Christmas Season.  This evening, the Elves have had a successful canvassing of the neighborhood.  They have determined there are indeed worthy winners of the coveted Neighborhood Lighting awards.  A special note for those who have not won or have been disenchanted by Elves decisions in the past:  Be not embittered by past decisions of the Elves.  You can win, it’s not too late.  Do not turn your Lights off in dark protest, come back, display your Christmas Cheer!  Light it up.

Special shout out:  the Hiltons, the Andrews, and the Nativity Scene at the Fresh residence across from the Club.

Official winners are:
Most Whimsical:  Newlands 2122 Bahama
Entryway:  3201 Tabago (Big Tree) Wirth/Wardrop
Overall:  2148 Antigua (Brian and Lisa Sarrett)

Happy Holidays!

It’s that time of year again!

Already, many Greenbrier neighbors have decked their doorways, trees, front lawns, roofs and mailboxes with colored lights and festive trimmings in anticipation of jolly old St.- wait!wait! – what they’re really waiting for is the stealth visit by anonymous GB elves judging “Most Whimsical”, “Best Entryway”, “Best Overall Display” and any other display they think should be applauded!

Last year, winners were chosen – and awarded gift certificates to their fav restaurants in Hamburg – at 3512 Trinidad (Hamms); 3637 Antilles (Vettrainos), and 1772 Bahama (Price/Higgins).

Who will be the lucky winners of coveted elf selections this year? Judging will be completed by December 21st at 11.30pm, so there is lots of time to show and share your festive flair with the rest of the neighborhood. Good luck and Happy Holidays to all!

PVA O'Neil to Speak at Fall 2018 Business Meeting

David Neil PVA

David Neil PVA

The PVA office determines the fair cash value of your property which, in part, determines the amount of property tax you owe.
Will Greenbrier be one of Fayette County’s neighborhoods assessed in 2019?
This and other pertinent questions will be answered by guest speaker David O’Neill, PVA Chief Administrator, at the fall Business Meeting on October 15th, held at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road. All residents are welcome at 6:00 pm for drinks and snacks, presentation to follow.
If you have a question for Mr O’Neil or on any other topic, you may click on our: Contact Form.

Have You See Lil One?

Missing Cat: Lil One

Lil One is a small, black, adult, female cat with green eyes.  Her left ear has been clipped to show she is neutered.  She is skittish but friendly.  If you see her please call Marcia at: (859) 536-5835.