Fall Garage Sale Set for September 30

The Fall 2017 Greenbrier Garage sale is set for Saturday, September 30. Some sales will begin on Friday the 29th.  Start cleaning out those closets and garages!
Remember that there will be a lot of traffic, so please watch your children and pets.
IF your home is NOT on Bahama Road or a street/court off of Bahama, please call Cyndy Powell ( 299-5566) and leave a message, so that she can place signs to your street or court. Signs will be posted Saturday morning.  If you wish to open on Friday, please post your own signs.

Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse – Monday, August 21, 2017


This gallery contains 8 photos.

Eclipse circumstances for Lexington: Begins:  1:02 PM Max:  2:30 PM Obstruction:  95% Ends:  3:54 PM Visit the following resources for more information: MrEclipse.com Eclipse2017.NASA.gov Eclipse.AAS.org EclipseOPhile.com ClearDarkSky.com XJubier.Free.fr NASA Videos: How to Safely Watch a Solar Eclipse What determines when … Continue reading

Greenbrier Spring Events

Officer Dawn Dunn of the Lexington Police Department

Save the date for our Spring General Meeting, on Monday, April 17th.  Our guest speaker will by our new neighbor, Office Dawn Dunn of the Lexington Police Department.  Office Dunn will discuss neighborhood security.
Also keep in mind that the Greenbrier Spring Yard sale will take place on Saturday, May 13th.

Happy Holidays – Updated!

Holiday Lighs
Update: The elves had a tough time this year with the many beautifully decorated homes, but finally made their decision for the winners of the Xmas light contest. They are:
Best overall effect goes to the Winter Wonderland home of Bobby Cummins, 1893 Bahama Road, at the intersection of Bahama and Cayman.
Best Entryway goes to the Purple Tree enhanced home of Mary Jane and Russell Reed, 1725 Bahama Road.
Most Whimsical or Elves’ Choice goes to Frosty, living at the home of Julane and Roger Mullins, 2716 Martinique Lane.
Further, Elves gave a special shout out to 3201 Tabago, whose Raindrop Forrest is the inspired work of Mike Wirth and Pell Wardrop. Also on their list, and worthy of a look though not eligible for a prize, is the beautifully lit up Morris Eventing Farm located to the right of the Finks Farm. Congratulations all! Our 3 top winners, all GB Resident association members, will each receive a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant. cruise the neighborhood & Look for signs placed in the winners; yards,and . see if you agree with our anonymous elves choices!
Finally, your GB Residents Association Board wishes all our neighbors very merry Holidays and a happy & prosperous 2017!
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Greenbrier Fall Meeting: Monday, October 3

Our bylaw mandated Fall meeting will take place Monday, Oct. 3rd at the home of Sarah & Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road. A wine and cheese social hour will start at 6pm followed by the business meeting. We are delighted to present the candidate running for the 12th District: Kathy Plomin. Kathy will discuss community issues, how she plans to address them, and take questions from the floor. Stephanie will present results of the recent survey sent out to residents; John will discuss our budget for approval; & a slate of officers will be elected among other items of business. Support your Greenbrier Residents, Inc.! Please plan to attend this informational meeting!

July Book Club: Me Before You

The Greenbrier Ladies Book Club will meet at 6:00 PM on July 26th, the Fourth Thursday, at the Country Club.  This month’s selection is Me Before You, a novel  by Jojo Moyes.   Me Before You was released as a major motion picture in June.
For additional information about the Book Club, contact Marilyn Sidun at:  (859) 539-6328​   or    marilyn.s5000@gmail.com.

Ladies Tea – Sunday, April 3

Ladies HatAn important reminder for all lady members* of Greenbrier Residents, Inc.
The 13th Annual Ladies Tea will be held this Sunday, april 3rd from 2.oopm to 4.00pm at the home of Mrs. Alice Honchell, 3644 Cayman Lane.
Come join Alice and co-hostess Linda Hunter for tea, snacks, neighborly chats…and hats, hats, hats!
Be sure to wear your frilliest, silliest, most posh spring or derby hat to the Ladies Tea this Sunday, April 3 at the home of Mrs. Alice Honchell.  Prizes will be given to deserving chapeaux!!
See you there!
*Meaning this year’s dues of $100 have been paid and mailed to Cyndy Powell.