The Spring business meeting of this neighborhood will be held on Monday, April 9th at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road.
Drinks and snacks will be offered at 6.30pm; the business meeting will start promptly at 7pm. The evening’s agenda will include remarks by guest speakers Roger Mulvaney, from the LFUCG division of Traffic Engineering, as well as by our district Councilmember Kathy Plomin, and Master Gardener Sarah Lee. Also presented will be our treasurer’s report, new board projects, including our security cameras update, and the ND-1 overlay update, details of which are also posted on this website.
Other announcements will include details of the Greenbrier Ladies Tea, to be held Sunday, April 15th at the home of Andy & Leslie Russ, 2145 Bahama Road, and the date of the spring garage sale to be held on Saturday, April 28th.
Please plan to come and enjoy this informative meeting.
Author Archives: Steve
Follow Up from the GRI Board
The owners and developers of the Greenbrier subdivision, doing business as the Greenbrier Co, envisioned the first subdivision in Fayette County to be built around a golf course. As recorded in various volumes in the Fayette County Clerk’s office, construction was approved in September of 1970, and evolved in sections over the next decade. Concurrent with construction, the owners of the Greenbrier Co. established Deed Restrictions, also referred to as “covenants” or “Protective Restrictions”, to govern the character of their subdivision by specific design features and criteria.
Though the intent of these DRs is clear, their enforcement is not. Why? Because Greenbrier has a Neighborhood Association (NA) with voluntary dues, unlike the more recent subdivisions governed by Home Owners Associations (HOAs) with mandatory fees. Enforcement of those DRs under HOAs is simple: homeowners know there will be stiff penalties for non-compliance, either by fines, liens or both.
Continue reading
ND-1 Overlay Drive Moves Forward – Please Help
WHAT: To petition the LFUCG to implement an ND-1 overlay in our neighborhood.
WHO: All large lot property owners have a shared interest and commitment in this process. Continue reading
Reminder: Dues are Due
One of the ways a subdivision becomes a desirable neighborhood is by connecting neighbors into a cohesive community.
Greenbrier’s Residents Board offers opportunities for neighbors to connect thru activities such as providing the Ladies Tea, the Spring and Fall Garage sales, publishing the neighborhood directory, supporting Holiday decorations and the like. Further, your GRI Board keeps neighbors apprised of local goings-on through both voice mail messaging, periodic newsletters, our excellent website, and e-mails to those residents who provide their updated info. Board members coordinate entry plantings, and endeavor to make Greenbrier a safer place through improved lighting and security cameras.
You, our Greenbrier neighbors, make this happen when you pay your $100 dues, which are due now! Please mail your check , payable to Greenbrier Residents, Inc. , and mail it promptly to John Schmidt, Treasurer, 3556 Antilles. You may drop your check off at his house, or use Paypal on our website. Thank you!
To use PayPal, please visit our Dues webpage for more information.
Thanks for your financial support!
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Happy Holidays to our Greenbrier Neighbors!
2018 promises to be a New Year full of opportunity for us all! Two
important issues will be addressed in the coming weeks: *Annual Dues* and
the *Petition to expand the ND-1 Overlay to Greenbrier’s larger lot
Building on the increased – and voluntary – participation of dues- paying
residents the past two years, your GRI Board has been able to upgrade the
lighting at the front entryway as well as improve on other items that
benefit the entire neighborhood.
This year, depending on the response to our Annual Dues appeal, we want to
tackle the following items:
1) update the cameras/security system at both front and rear entries
2) update the irrigation system at both entries, and
3) obtain a neighborhood Action Grant from the city to further improve the
front entryway.
Few neighborhoods in Fayette County have Neighborhood associations like
ours. The 9 neighbors on your GRI Board who *volunteer* their time, energy
and expertise on behalf of the neighborhood appreciate your continued
support and interest!
Dues stay the same at $100 and can be mailed to our Treasurer, John
Schmidt, 3556 Antilles; should you prefer notices by e-mail, make sure John
has your updated address which can be sent to:
If you wish to use the PayPal service, please visit our Dues Page.
Please remit by January20,2018.
Thank you!
2017 Holiday Decorating
Holiday décor in Greenbrier this year has run the gamut from colorful to crazy, all celebrating the joys of the season. Needless to say, the neighborhood elves had a tough time judging our 2017 winners. First they want to give a shout out to the beautifully lit trees around the neighborhood, including the one on the fence row behind 2267 Bahama, the one at the corner of Bahama and Tobago Ct., and the one at the end of the driveway at 3645 Cayman Lane. Another strong contender for an appealing display was the festive assortment of lights at 2251 Bahama. The final choices were tough, but in the end the elves had to make their decisions: you decide whether or not you agree. Signs will be posted until the week of January 1st.
- Prize for Most Whimsical display goes to Gene and Cindy Hamm, 3512 Trinidad.
- Prize for Best Entryway goes to Henry and Laura Vettraino, 3637 Antilles.
- Prize for Best Overall goes to the display at the Price/Higgins home, 1772 Bahama.
Thanks to all who participated in making Greenbrier a more colorful neighborhood this year and Happy Holidays!
ND-1 Overlay Petition Drive Launches

Greenbrier ND-1 Areas
This PETITION will be mailed with a SASE to all large lot property owners including those residing at the following addresses:
2186-2298 Bahama Road (even)
2203-2299 Bahama Road (odd)
1693-2033 Bahama Road (odd)
1684-2026 Bahama Road (even) 2358-2384 Walnut Grove Lane
2703-2728 Barbados Lane
3612-3701 Cayman Lane
3776-3793 Jamaica Court
3778-3794 Katkay Drive
2707-2739 Martinique Lane
3500-3520 Trinidad Court
3184- 3201 Tabago Court
Your GRI Board agrees this designation will – among other positive attributes:
1) Discourage conflicts related to construction of chain link fencing, above ground pools & accessory structures
2) Enhance property values, and
3) Foster pride in our neighborhood’s future.
Obtaining an ND-1 Overlay requires significant neighborhood input and support. PLEASE DO YOUR PART!
REMINDER! If your property has an accessory structure currently in place, it will not be affected by the Overlay, but will be considered as “nonconforming use” and grandfathered into the coverage.
We, the undersigned, are owners of these properties in what is designated as Area 1 on city maps, a section of Greenbrier Estates comprised of 145 large residential lots in the city of Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. Units 3A & 3B of Greenbrier, Area 2 on city maps, have already received ND-1 Overlay Zoning that includes the three (3) restrictions listed below. At this time, we request the LFUCG expand this ND-1 Overlay coverage to include our properties in Area 1, to make this part of Greenbrier compatible with other Greenbrier units, and to maintain the integrity of the Greenbrier subdivision.
1. No unattached building additions permitted. This would include, but would not be limited to garages, storage sheds, or any type of shed or building detached from the side or the rear of the house.
2. Above ground pools are not permitted. All pools would need to be constructed so that the water inside the pool is no higher than ground level.
3. All fences must be set back at least as far as the front of the house. Fencing materials cannot include those used to construct what is commonly known as “chain link” fencing.
Please sign, address and return in the enclosed, stamped envelope. Property owners will be notified of the LFUCG’s decision as to whether or not the Planning Commission will allow this PETITION to proceed.
Fall Business Meeting: Topics Include Expanded ND-1 Overlay
When Melinda Gates expressed frustration with the slow progress the Gates Foundation had made eradicating some health problems world-wide, Warren Buffet offered this observation: Remember that society has left these problems behind, and they’ve left them behind precisely because they’re … Continue reading
Fall Garage Sale Set for September 30
The Fall 2017 Greenbrier Garage sale is set for Saturday, September 30. Some sales will begin on Friday the 29th. Start cleaning out those closets and garages!
Remember that there will be a lot of traffic, so please watch your children and pets.
IF your home is NOT on Bahama Road or a street/court off of Bahama, please call Cyndy Powell ( 299-5566) and leave a message, so that she can place signs to your street or court. Signs will be posted Saturday morning. If you wish to open on Friday, please post your own signs.