2022 Membership Dues

Annual dues for 2022 are: $100. Please pay by March 15, 2022.
You may pay by a check made out to:
Please mail to:
John Schmidt, Treasurer
3556 Antilles Drive
Lexington, KY 40509
Click to : Download a Dues Form in MS Word Format
Click to : Download a Dues Form in Adobe PDF Format
To use a credit card or PayPal, please click on the “Buy Now” button.

If you have the PayPal app on your phone, scan the QR code:

Holiday Decorating Contest

Update: And the winners are…

Crowes at 2358 Walnut Grove Lane.

Prestons at 3649 Eleuthera.

Streets at 2149 Antigua.

Honorable Mention:

3532 Antilles – Lewis Residence.

2242 Bahama – Brooks Residence.

Congratulations and thanks to the Elf Crew!

It’s time for our seasonal Holiday Decorating Contest, open to all our residents! Judging will be on Sunday evening, December 19th, by an anonymous panel of elves whose discriminating taste will choose the winners in these categories: BEST OVERALL; MOST WHIMSICAL and BEST ENTRY WAY.

Winners from last year (2020) were the Esposito Residence at 1724 Bahama for Best Overall; the Buckman residence at 2116 Antigua for Most Whimsical, and the Hamm’s Residence at 3512 Trinidad for Best Entryway.

This year, you too could be a winner with your fabulous light display. All homeowners who are GRI members receive a $50.00 gift certificate to the Hamburg restaurant of their choice and a very prestigious sign indicating their award status. Good luck to all!

Trunk or Treat 2021 – Photos #3

Trunk or Treat 2021 – Photos #2

Presentation From Division of Water Quality

Dallas Taylor and Charles Martin, from the LFUCG Division of Water Quality holding a map showing the route our sewage goes until it reaches the treatment plant. The Division of Water Quality provides citizens of Lexington-Fayette County with wastewater treatment and stormwater management services. The city’s sanitary sewer system includes 81 pump stations, over 1400 miles of sewer pipe, and two large wastewater treatment plants (Town Branch and West Hickman).

Effluent flows from pump station number two at the intersection of Bahama and Winchester Road all the way to the highest point of the subdivision in front of the club. At that point gravity takes over and effluent flows through several neighborhoods until it reaches the Town Branch Treatment Plant. The plant is off Old Frankfort Pike inside the circle.

Link: LFUCG Division of Water Quality

Fall Business Meeting 6PM Tuesday, October 19th

The Greenbrier Residents, Inc. Business meeting will be held, rain or shine, on the back patio of the property at 3785 Jamaica Court, at 6 PM on Tuesday, October 19th. The agenda will include adoption of next year’s budget, election of board officers, and special presentation by LFUCG Environmental Quality manager Dallas Taylor.

Please dress for the weather and join us!

Information About Our Presenters



Charlie Martin has been the Director for the Division of Water Quality since February 2002. Since moving to Lexington in 1999, he has also held the positions of Collection System Manager and Deputy Director for the division along with four separate temporary assignments as Lexington’s Commissioner of Environmental Quality and Public Works.

Mr. Martin has over 38 years of water and wastewater experience at the state and local levels. A native Ohioan, Charlie is a graduate of the University of Michigan with a B.S. in Civil Engineering; is a licensed Professional Engineer in both Ohio and Kentucky.

Dallas Taylor

I started at pump stations in 1993 as a mechanic.

Few years later became the Electrician after receiving my license, worked at that position for about 10 years.

Was promoted to supervisor, worked that for around another ten years.

Became the Program manager a little over a year ago.

LFUCG calculates time in 30 day months so that puts me right at 30 years, all at Pump Stations.

I’ve spent a lot of time in your neighborhoodJ

Fall Updates

  • The latest newsletter was mailed this week.
  • Fall planting was installed at the front entry.
  • The GB Garage Sale took place this weekend, Sept. 24-35.
  • The GB Fall Business Meeting will be a scaled- down event to be held outside on the back patio of 3785 Jamaica Court – rain or shine – Tuesday, October 19th at 6pm.
  • A “Trunk or Treat” Halloween event will be held Sunday October 24th for the neighborhood.  Decorated cars, bikes, golfcarts or other miscellaneous vehicles will assemble at the Club parking lot between 1 and 2pm. At 4pm the neighborhood parade begins so it should be a fun-filled afternoon, weather permitting. RSVPs are required, so please contact Angie Doyle (click to email)  ADoyle@GreenbrierGCC.com or online.


The Greenbrier Neighborhood Fall Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, September25th, from 8 A.M. until 2 P.M. This sale will be advertised at several sites. If you live off of Bahama Road and would like arrow signs leading to your sale, please call or text Cyndy Powell at 859-312-0257.

As always, several families will start on Friday, so plan ahead for that also.

Helpful hints for a successful sale: have plenty of one dollar bills and quarters, make sure that your sale can be seen from the street, and think about pricing up, because everyone will ask you to come down on your price.

The Greenbrier Book Club is open to anyone!

The Greenbrier Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, at 5:30 PM, in the Greenbrier dining room. The upcoming books to be discussed are:

September: THE LOST APOTHECARY by Sarah Penner.

click: www.SarahPenner.com


click: www.TJKluneBooks.com

November: WIDDER’S LANDING by Eddie Price.

click:  www.TheEddiePrice.com

In December we will meet on a different date for a get together and book exchange.

January’s book is: FOUR WINDS by Kristen Hannah.

click:  KristinHannah.com

RSVPs are necessary for the dining room,so please contact Cyndy Powell at (859) 312-0257 for further details.