Happy Independence Day 2021

Greenbrier celebrated the 245th Birthday of the United States in grand style this past Sunday, the 4th of July! Over 30 golf carts decorated in red,white and blue, along with scooters, motor bikes and various other vehicles tooled around the neighborhood waving flags and delighting residents. Under the direction of Capt. America (Chris Thiel) and led by firefighters in their engine from local station #17, the parade ended at the Club parking lot, where kids enjoyed snow cones provided by your GRI as well as all sorts of activities, including a giant inflatable slide and games.

Prizes were awarded in the following categories:

  • Most Patriotic Group: Elizabeth, Whitley & Kitty
  • Most Patriotic Boy and Girl: Danny Street & Stelyn Drisko
  • Best Decorated Pets: Weston & Millie Stutler
  • Golf Cart: Tyler Street
  • Group: The Gulletts
  • Best Family Décor: The Trimbles, The Mittenzewis, & The Theils
  • Most Original (a patriotic Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog)
  • Most Extravagant: Ron & Sandy Mollenkopf
  • Best & Oldest Car: Mary Keene Marrs
  • Most Unusual The Allen Family with their giant gorilla in patriotic garb, Ed.

A good time was had by all and promises to be an even bigger affair next year!

Covid Updates: Meeting Cancelled and Vaccine Guidance

First out of lingering concern for the safety of our residents, the April GB Business meeting will be cancelled. Instead, included with the new Directory that will be distributed to every homeowner this month, will be our quarterly newsletter. The newsletter will contain information normally announced at the meeting – including details of our budget, upcoming projects, and result of our annual Dues appeal.

Second,  if you or someone you know is having trouble obtaining an appointment for the Covid vaccine, please let a Board member know.  We can put you in touch with a neighbor who is able to connect any resident having trouble getting the vaccine with the right agency.

Call Mariana at 533-7154 for further information.  Thank you!

Dues Drive Nears Target

Our Dues Drive is almost over and we are 9 neighbors short of our target goal of 74% paid members. If you haven’t yet paid this year’s Dues – still at $100.00 – there’s time! Use paypal or write a check, send it or drop it off to our Treasurer, John Schmidt at 3556 Antilles Dr. That’s less than $9.00 per month to support the GRI Board in its many activities on behalf of our neighborhood! Please join your neighbors in helping us reach our goal!

Also, we are working on the new Directory which promises to be bigger and better than ever. We think ALL our property owners will find the information contained in it both useful and easy to find. Watch for it later this month! Thank you!

Click for: PayPal Dues Page

Contest Winners

With more houses being lit up and decorated than ever, the Greenbrier elves had the hardest time to date making their decisions; however they finally made it official and declared the winners of this year’s Holiday Lights contest.  They are: Best Overall: 1724 Bahama Road, the Esposito residence’s take on a Winter Wonderland;  Most Whimsical, 2116 Antigua, the Buckman residence’s festive presentation of lights, and Best Entryway, 3512 Trinidad, the Hamm’s residence with its elegant door.

Further, the elves gave a shoutout to the beautiful trees on Bahama; the Vettraino’s manger scene at 3637 Antilles Drive; and the lights at  3601 Montego Court, the Simone residence.

All GRI Member award winners will receive a $50 gift certificate to their favorite Hamburg restaurant.  So tour the neighborhood and look for the signs in the winners’ yards.  See if you agree with the Elves decisions and remember, next year could be the year for you to have a coveted winner sign in your front yard.

Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year to all from the Greenbrier Residents Board.!

Holiday Lights Contest

This year will be remembered by many as unforgettable for a lot of wrong reasons. The good news is the holiday season is upon us and all our neighbors are invited to get festive! Again this year, the Greenbrier Residents Board is sponsoring its Holiday Lights Contest, magically conducted by GB Elves. Judging of the Holiday Lights and decor will take place in 3 categories: Best Overall, Best Entry way, Most Whimsical. Make sure your lights stay on until 10.30om on December 20th at which time our prowling elves will decide winners. GRI members will receive $50 gift certificates for their favorite Hamburg Restaurant.

Winners of last year’s (2019) contest were:

2358 Walnut Grove Lane (Crowes) Best Overall;
2723 Martinique ( Cummins) Most Whimsical; and
2149 Antigua (Street) Best Entryway

Also last year, our elves gave further shoutouts to the Otto residence at 3793 Jamaica Ct. , the colorful tree at the corner of the Wirth/Warrop property at Bahama and Tobago, and the large tree on the fence line behind the Freeman residence at 2267 Bahama.

Good luck to all for making GB a very festive – not to mention – well lit- neighborhood!

Greenbrier Neighborhood Fall Ballot

GRI Members! Due to Covid-19, the approval of next year’s budget and election of GRI Officers will not be held at an in-person Business meeting. A ballot will be taped to every home in Greenbrier; however:

1)      one must be a property owner for your vote to be recorded, only one vote per household

2)      only a GRI member in good standing ($100 annual dues paid) for vote to be recorded

3)      offer “yes” or write-in a candidate for your voting choice

4)      fill in your name and address and sign

A ballot box will be placed at 2018 Bahama Road (The Urschels) from 9am to dark on Oct. 25 & 26 for your ballot to be dropped off.

According to our Bylaws, the response of one tenth (1/10) of GRI members in person or by proxy is necessary for action. All current Board Members are up for re-election; a space is provided for write-in candidates.

Approval is also required to pass next year’s budget. Details of this budget are on page 2 of this ballot! Treasurer John Schmidt is glad to answer any questions about the proposed budget: 299-5656

Click for Sample Ballot

Click for Proposed Budget

Trick or Treat set for 6pm to 8pm Saturday October 31

“Our normal Halloween traditions will change this year due to COVID-19,” said Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton. “Although we may not have some of our annual events, or be able to dig into a shared bowl of candy, we can still enjoy the holiday and trick-or-treat. We want our children and community to have fun, but be safe. You can collect pre-wrapped treats while in your favorite costume, but make sure to continue to maintain safe social distance, wear a protective face mask and keep gatherings to 10 or fewer people.”

Link: City announces guidance for Halloween activities

Fall Neighborhood Meetings & Garage Sale Cancelled

The in-person October Business meetings have been CANCELLED due to corona virus concerns.  Details about how the Board will conduct business which must be handled at the fall meeting will be forthcoming.

The fall garage sale scheduled for September 26th under the auspices of the Greenbrier Residents Association, Inc. has also been CANCELLED due to concerns over spreading the corona virus.

Individual homeowners who wish to hold a private garage sale on their property should carefully weigh how to practice social distancing and masking when dealing with the public.

Wear a Face Mask