April is a busy month in Greenbrier

  • Our Annual Dues Appeal is wrapping up. There’s still time to send in your Dues of $100 or confirm with John Schmidt if you can’t remember whether you already have.  Click to use Paypal on our Dues page.
  • A new Directory is on its way to the printers, so watch for your free copy to be delivered sometime soon via golfcart express.
  • The Spring Business Meeting will take place Tuesday, April 25 at 6pm at the new Lifestyle center. Guest speaker will be Grace Foley, LFUCG Senior Traffic Engineer speaking about road marking Bahama. This is an effort in our ongoing campaign to make our streets safer from speeding traffic.

  • New this year will be the Shred Truck coming April 22nd, Earth Day, from 2-4pm. This joint venture with The Brokerage will allow our GB neighbors to bring their important papers and documents to be shredded free of charge. The truck will be parked in Antigua Court. where the July 4th parade starts.
  • Finally, the 21st Spring Garage Sale will be held Saturday, April 29th with some neighbors opening their garages on Friday, April 28th. Cyndy Powell at 859.299.5566 has details, so if you want to be included in advertising and signage, just check with Cyndy.

We hope all our neighbors will mark their calendars and join the GRI Board in attending these helpful events. Thank you!

Mariana Marye

Winners of Holiday Lights Contest

This important message, recorded on Thursday, Dec. 29th is from  the Chief Neighborhood elf and his anonymous crew who judged this year’s Holiday Lights winners. They are:

Best Overall: The Williams Family at 1788 Bahama Road.

Most Whimsical: The Brooks Family at 2242 Bahama Road.

Best Entryway: The Marrs Family at 2049 Bahama Road.

Chief Elf noted that these triumphant neighbors have never won before, even though there were more lighted properties than ever this year.  The Holiday Spirit was certainly alive and well in Greenbrier, and the elves wanted a shout out to the following families for their super showing: The Pogrostskys on Eleuthera; the Ottos on Jamaica; and the GRI Decorating Committee for this year’s front entry with its arrangement of snowmen and deer.  As always, the elves appreciated the colorful, gorgeous tree in the Wirth/Wardrop sideyard; and the many other festive figures – the angels, penguins and endearing inflatables dotting our neighborhood.

Again, we elves encourage all our neighbors to deck their halls in 2023 to make our neighborhood the cheefulest, joyfulest and brightest community in Fayette County.  Till next year, this is the Chief Elf, signing off.

2022 Holiday Lights Contest






Every December since 2004, your GRI Board has held a holiday light contest for residents. The competition has three winner categories:
The judging this year- by an anonymous group who call themselves the Elf Squad – will take place Wednesday evening, December 21st after 11pm. The winners will be announced on our voice mail, on our website, gb-ra.com and our Greenbrier Facebook page. All residents are eligible to win: only GRI members will receive a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant in Hamburg – not to mention an awesome sign designating the home of the prizewinner-placed in the front yard. The elves are very excited about this year’s contest and wish to urge everyone to get busy and light up! Happy Holidays!

Widening of US 60 & Bahama Traffic Signal

Click to Download: Project Handout

On October 20, the Kentucky Department of Highways held a public meeting at Macedonia Christian Church to announce plans to widen US-60 / Winchester Road from Polo Club Boulevard to Haley Road.  At the neighborhood GRI Business Meeting on the same evening, Joe Brumley, VP Acquisitions for Cowgill, Inc. presented what’s in store for Hamburg East.  Joe explained that Hamburg construction will include two hospitals, one and probably two new schools, as well as mixed-use housing for 3000 new residents.  He also informed us of the State’s plan to use Winchester Road to bring Interstate 64 west traffic to Hamburg East by directing vehicles to exit I-64 at Haley Road then travel the new 4-lane road to Polo Club Boulevard.

The Kentucky Department of Highways created a website where residents can see project documents and view an informative video:

Link:  www.FayetteUS60.com

There is also a form for you to comment on the widening project.  Your GRI Board requests you immediately review the website material then complete and send your comments using their Questionnaire form as resident input will end Friday, November 4.

Your GRI board has compiled the following recommendations:

1.       Please visit:  www.FayetteUS60.com  View the video then on the left side of the screen, click on “Intersection Simulations.”  Once finished, click “Take Online Questionnaire” on the screen above the video.  At the bottom of the Questionnaire form click “Done” to send.

2.       For Questions 5 and 6, check “Safety.”

3.       At Bahama Road intersection check “Continuous Green-T Intersection.”

4.       The State will not install a traffic light at Bahama Road since our ADT (Average Daily Traffic) does not meet their published requirements.  In conversations with the Kentucky Department of Highways, GRI learned that exceptions may be made if residents insist on a traffic light for safety and other appropriate reasons.  So, if you want a traffic light at Bahama Road write a compelling argument in the comments section.  You may want to mention the fatal crash at Bahama Road on 8-18-22 and the fatal crashes near Bahama Road on 10-28-22 and 8-24-12.

Finally, if we cannot justify, by this Friday, the need for a traffic light at Bahama Road then we should not expect one in the future.

Mariana Marye

President Greenbrier Residents Inc.



Please join us at 6:00pm in the Greenbrier Country Club Family Dining room on Thursday, Oct. 20th for our Fall Business Meeting and Presentation. Our guest speaker will be Joe Brumley, VP for Acquisitions for Cowgill, Inc. Joe will tell us via Powerpoint presentation what’s in store for Hamburg East and the many changes coming our way. Plus, get to know your GRI Board and vote on our upcoming budget!

Neighborhood Garage Sale – October 1st

Next weekend will be a busy time for all our neighbors participating in the Fall Garage Sale on Saturday, October 1st from 8am to 2pm. Some garages will be open Friday, same hours, sun or shine. If you live on a street other than Bahama Road, please call Cyndy Powell at 859-299-5566, so she knows where to place signs to get customers to your treasures.

Watch out for heavier traffic and keep an eye on kids and pets to make sure they stay safe. Have a profitable weekend and enjoy the rest of summer!

Thank you!

Parade Winners…

This year’s parade was our biggest and best ever with lots of carts, kids and cool decorations.  The event went off without missing a beat in spite of the fire engine being late – they had to fight a fire first – and the Club parking lot off-limits due to construction.
Category winners are:
Most Patriotic group – Tyler and Kelly Street from Antigua
Most Patriotic kid – Nate Coen from Cayman Hts
Best Decorated Pet (Dog) – “Tulip” Brooks from Bahama (awwww! so adorb!)
Best Decorated Golf Cart – The Mittenzwei family from Walnut Grove
Most Spirited – Lilly Polly from Cayman Hts.
Most Extravagant – Ben and Jennifer Allen from Jamaica Ct.
Best Family Decor – Brandt and Charis Brooks & their two little girls from Bahama
Most Original – Ron and Sandy Mollenkopf from Marquesas
Oldest Car – Jeremy and Carly Moore’s GTO
Most Unusual – Elizabeth Tatem
Judge’s Choice – Beau Griffith from Montego Ct; and
                            Knox Hollifield from Eleuthera Ct.
Congrats to all out winners and everyone who turned out for this fun event on a beautiful 4th of July!

2022 July 4th Parade

Celebrate our nation’s birthday with our annual holiday parade!  Meet on Antigua Ct. at 3:30 pm on Monday, July 4th with decorated bikes, carts and scooters – old cars and anything else!  The parade winds through the Greenbrier neighborhood led by our local fire fighters in their very large firetruck and by parademaster  Captain America.  Prizes will be awarded in a variety of categories; snow cones and pool activities will be available at the Club. Join your neighbors for this fun event!