This is a special message from your GB Residents Board updated on Friday, Set. 20th. Next weekend will be a busy time for all our neighbors participating in the Fall Garage Sale on Saturday, September 28th from 8am – 2pm. Some homes will open on Friday, same hours, rain or shine. If you live on a street other than Bahama Road, please call Cyndy Powell at 299-5566, so she knows where to place signs to get customers to your treasures. Watch out for heavier traffic and keep any eye on kids and pets to make sure they stay safe. Have a fun weekend and enjoy the rest of the summer!
There are two special reasons tor freedom lovers to celebrate July 4th this year – and we’re not even talking about the US Declaration of Independence – which enshrined in a Bill of Rights religious freedom, freedom of speech, press freedom, and the right to peaceably assemble.
First is the neighborhood breakfast/brunch at the home of Jennifer and Ben Allen, 3785 Jamaica Court. Starting at 10am, neighbors are invited to bring a dish to share and a chair while kids enjoy playing on inflatables. No rain date is planned.
Second is the annual Greenbrier parade, hosted by parade meister extraordinaire Chris Thiel. Kids are encouraged to bring decorated bikes. golf carts, and scooters to the Antigua Circle around 3.30pm. Fire engine #17 will arrive at 4pm to lead the way around Bahama to the Clubhouse, where paradegoers can enjoy snocones, and kids will be awarded prizes in several categories.
The Lexington Recycling Center is no longer accepting paper or paper products. Dispose of paper with your other household waste that is sent to the landfill. This change affects all public and private waste collection services in the Central Kentucky area. Paper recycling will resume when a qualified bulk buyer is found.
Acceptable items
Never bag recyclables. They should be put in the recycling cart loose.
Aluminum cans
Steel food cans (Please rinse. Labels can stay on.)
Plastic screw top bottles and jugs (The top should be smaller than the bottom. Don’t worry about the #.)
Dry cardboard with packing material removed (Do NOT recycle boxboard that is made to go in the refrigerator or freezer such as soda boxes or frozen meals.)
Glass bottles and jars: colored and clear. NOTE: Check with your service provider as some do not accept glass.
The Greenbrier Neighborhood Spring Garage Sale will be held this Saturday, April 27th, though some sales will be open on Friday, the 26th. Sale Hours are advertised from 8am until 2pm each day.
If you live off Bahama Road please contact Cyndy Powell at 859-312-0257 so she can put up signs leading to your Court or Street by tomorrow, Wednesday, the 24th.
As this year’s Greenbrier Dues Appeal wraps up, the GB Board is happy to announce that once again 170 neighbors voluntarily contributed to our operating fund. That means 70% of GB residents (236 properties according to Fayette County PVA Search site: Greenbrier Estates) will allow the Board to undertake major projects such as the new Directory, Spring planting and updated Security Cameras that will benefit ALL residents.
Your GB Board is grateful for the participation of our dues-paying neighbors, and we work hard to ensure your dues go to make our neighborhood one of Fayette County’s best. Thank you!
The American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign helps save lives by installing free smoke alarms in homes that don’t have them, and by educating people about home fire safety. Do You Need a Smoke Alarm?
The Red Cross and its partners can test existing smoke alarms and install up to three free smoke alarms for those that need them.
Ask the Lexington Fire Dept to check your Smoke Detectors. Call (859) 231-5662.
For more information, to donate or volunteer, visit: The American Red Cross
For the week starting Monday, April 1st through Saturday, April 6, 2019 Robinson Pipe Cleaning Co. (an LFUCG contractor) could be cleaning and inspecting sanitary sewers in Greenbrier. Certain conditions may call for an alteration of this schedule.
All residents are invited to attend the Spring Business Meeting of the Greenbrier Residents, Inc. This by-law mandated event will be held at the home of Sarah and Carl Lee, 1805 Bahama Road. Drinks and snacks will be served at 6.30pm; the program will start promptly at 7pm.
Our keynote speaker is Mr. Rob Bartley, Regional Sales Manager over Lexington with Metronet, the fiber optic network that began construction in parts of Lexington this past year. Mr. Bartley will be available to answer any questions you may have about this new internet option. Also on the agenda,will be Kathy Plomin, our 12th District Councilmember and neighbor, to present highlights of Council activity this past quarter. So take this opportunity to catch up on GRI detailed budget info as well as other neighborhood news. Mingle with your neighbors and friends!
Don’t miss the Spring Business Meeting of the Greenbrier Residents, Inc. Monday, April 8th, at 6.30pm.
Please oppose House Bill 346, Senate Floor Amendment 1.
bill as amended would take away the LFUCG Planning Commission’s
authority over final development plans, would greatly harm Lexington’s
new Comprehensive Plan, and would have the practical impact of opening
Lexington’s Urban Services Boundary. Essentially, new land would have
to be made available for development at a rate consistent with
development over the past ten years. Please help to oppose this bill by
objecting to its passage immediately!
The easiest way to oppose the Senate Floor Amendment would be to call 800-372-7181 and leave a message for all Senators that you object to it.
You can use the language in the first paragraph above if you wish, or
you can simply state that you oppose it. Either method registers your
After that, be alert to find if the Senate passes the bill with the Floor Amendment, and if so, call the same number again and leave the same message for all House members.
You can also contact your own Senator and House Member by emailing them via Look at the key on the bar at the top page and click on “Legislators.”
The SFA sponsor is Senator Jared Carpenter from Berea. A small part of his district is in Fayette County.
Please also contact your neighbors and friends and ask that they also protest the legislation.
This bill would represent a terrible setback to the interests of
planning and reasonable development in Fayette County. Thank you for
your prompt action.
Walt Gaffield, President, Fayette County Neighborhood Council